● 产品型号:TTL-24-JJ15      
   Product model:TTL-24-JJ15

● 放大倍率可选:□ 2.5X  □ 3.0X  □ 3.5X
   Magnification option: □ 2.5X □ 3.0X □ 3.5X

● 定制瞳距54-72MM
   Customized pupil distance: 54-72MM

● 近视度数50-800°可做散光
   Myopia lenses 50-800° can be made with astigmatism
   (The users whose myopia more than 100°are recommended to make prescription lenses)

● 放大镜应用领域 / Application fields of magnifying glass:

   口腔牙科 耳鼻喉 小儿外伤 烧伤 医疗美容科 神经外科 心胸外科 肝胆科
   Oral dentistry, otorhinolaryngology, children trauma burn medical and cosmetic department neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, hepatobiliary Department

● 放大镜参数 /Magnifier parameters:

● 产品优点:

· 视野明亮且放大,降低手术风险失误,减少医生视觉疲劳
  The visual field is bright and enlarged, which can reduce the risk of surgical errors and reduce the doctor's visual fatigue

· 采用高清晰度、低畸变率高端镜片,色彩高保真
  High definition, low distortion high-end lens, high fidelity color

· 多倍率/工作距离/穿戴方式可选
  Multiple rate / working distance / wearing mode optional

· 卓越的视野和景深
  Excellent vision and depth of field